Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Food We Eat

In regard to the food we eat, I share the understanding first brought to our attention by Hippocrates some 2600 years ago. "One man's food is another man's poison". I address nutrition with my clients with this saying in mind, while using a system called Nutritional ID.

It is always very important to understand that we are all bio-chemically different and while one person may thrive on a particular diet; this same diet may be detrimental to another. This will be tied into our genetics as well as any functional challenges that we may be experiencing.

From a genetic factor it is important to understand that it takes our bodies many generations to create a shift for nutritional needs. Many cultures have survived with outstanding health based on the foods that were available to them on a regular basis. A traditional Eskimo survived very well in a very challenging climate with their main dietary intake being fat and protein. The Aborigines consumed much more vegetation, insects, kangaroo and wallaby yet had the strength and fitness of Olympic athletes. The Swiss consumed large amounts of high fat cheese, raw milk, small amounts of protein, whole rye and some wine yet survived very well even through glacier winters. The African Masai consumed raw milk, meat and blood from cattle yet enjoyed superb mental and physical development. I am not necessarily recommending these particular diets but hopefully this will help you understand the importance of moving toward your true genetic needs.

The functional factor ties into life’s situations such as stress, current health challenges, environment challenges and such. When we are going through challenges your body may require a nutritional shift, which needs to be addressed accordingly, until you reach a state of balance where your body can evolve to your true genetic nutritional needs.


  1. You spoke about the food we eat. Is there importance or an optimal time of when to eat the 3 meals?

  2. Hello Quiltgal,

    For most, it is best to eat your first meal of the day within one hour of waking. From there, if you are eating correctly for your bio-chemical individuality (I call it Nutritional ID), you should have no problem going at least four, but preferably six hours between meals. Following these guidelines would set up the optimal meal times.

  3. Thanks Glen. I knew the approximately 5 hours between meals. Usually the first thing in the morning I exercise so I miss the mark of eating within an hour of waking. Also, I don't seem to be hungry when I wake up.

  4. Hello Quiltgal,

    I would recommend having at least a snack size meal appropriate for your Nutritional ID within the first waking hour. This will assist in regulating blood sugar throughout the day. Once you get in this habit, you may notice your desire for food shift in the morning. Keep me updated.

  5. I read what you wrote on your other page about the nutritional ID regarding where you live in the world and I had had similar thoughts about it before kind of thinking...if man in the past lived here...he sure wouldn't have had access to oranges and what not and yet he survived. I live in Canada on the prairies and was wondering if you had any suggestions to what kind of diet would be good for me, or if there were certain foods I should focus on.

  6. Hello Lee,

    This goes deeper than simply where you currently live or where born. This filters down to your genetic heritage or your current functional health. I will be offering a complimentary Nutritional ID assessment on my website hopefully by next month to give you some basic guidelines for nutritional choices.

    I wish I could give you specific recommendations but without understanding your true needs, I cannot take the risk of giving you recommendations that may create imbalances for you.

    If you would like, I do provide phone session to address this or you can wait until it is on the website for basic guidelines.

  7. I totally understand. I was actually wondering if what you meant had to do with heritage or where you lived. I'm sure there are other factors as well. Thanks for the responce.
