Monday, March 12, 2012

Gluten, the Silent Killer

by Glen Depke

I say silent killer because most are not aware of their own personal challenges with gluten. The long term response by your body can be chronic health issues and yes, even death.

When you visit restaurants and grocery stores these days, you will find quite and array of gluten free foods. Understand that when something such as gluten intolerance because so recognizably dangerous to the general public, even big business jumps in.

Gluten is a real problem and in no way a reoccurring fad!

Gluten is a major contributing factor to many chronic ailments including but not limited to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers and brain disorders such as dementia and depression. 

Complimentary Gluten Assessment.

The biggest challenge for us is wheat but gluten is also within rye, spelt, bulgar, semolina, couscous, triticale, and durum flour. Gluten can also be hidden in so many of the foods we eat so you also have to be very careful with reading labels. Be wary of modified food starch, dextrin, flavorings and extracts, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, imitation seafood, and creamed products such as soups, stews and sauces.

With wheat being the most significant factor when discussing gluten, did you know that the average American now consumes approximately 55 pounds of wheat flour per year. Wow!

Since the biggest challenge is wheat, let's look at the main culprit.

Did you know that today's wheat would barely be recognizable some years ago? Wheat is now a dwarfed, weakened and genetically manipulated likeness of itself. The scary fact is that modern wheat has been manipulated to produce a higher yielding plant that contains much higher amounts of starch and gluten.

Both of these are an issue.

The higher starch creates significant blood sugar and insulin issues, eventually leading to disorders within the endocrine system such as diabetes and adrenal challenges. This is just the start of the problems though.

From a gluten perspective, it is my understanding that wheat used to contain approximately 3% gluten, yet after genetic manipulation, it now contains approximately 50% gluten. While if may create a better bread product, is it really worth it?

The answer is a resounding, NO!

Please recognize that a gluten intolerance does not necessarily mean you have Celiac Disease. If you have a negative test result to Celiac this is not free game on gluten. Even low level gluten intolerance can create significant health issues that honestly, you do not have to endure.

So what do you do now?

Here's an easy way for you to gain some personal knowledge for your likelihood of being gluten intolerant.  Feel free to visit our website to take your complimentary Gluten Intolerance Assessment and if you find that gluten is a challenge for you, we also supply you a complimentary list of Gluten Foods in Categories.

This assessment and food list is our gift to you. Please take advantage of it, it may just save your life!

If you would like to visit the Depke Wellness Gluten Intolerance page to view a video or further information follow this link.

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