Sunday, March 31, 2013

Good News! I Have Severe Degeneration

by Glen Depke

Good news for me and potentially for you?
Recently I was diagnosed with severe degeneration in my medial right knee and moderated degeneration in the rest of my knee. Now this was not a complete surprise since I hurt my knee about 31 years ago. You know, the old football injury? How many times have we heard this story?

To make my long story short, my knee was injured when I was 17. The doctors wanted to do complete reconstructive surgery (the only option way back when) and I was not open to this. Seven years later, I had arthroscopic surgery for pain and dysfunction, was told they cleaned up some torn cartilage and all would be fine. With very little motivation, I minimally completed rehab and away I went. So here I am many years later, living with this diagnosis.

Here's where the good news comes in...

First of all, I feel lucky to have received this info. I am not currently suffering with constant knee pain and if it was not for a gate dysfunction, I would not have reached out to check in with my knee. Having this information allows me to take the proactive measures necessary so I can still be mobile in for decades to come. My father had a knee replacement some years ago and this is not something that I would look forward to. Getting this information now, while I can still do something about it is very empowering.

The other piece of good news is for everyone following Depke Wellness. When I have an issue with my health, I am of course going to research every end of this possible. Well, who else benefits from this? You do of course because I always share information learned with my clients as well as followers of Depke Wellness. 

Here's what I have learned so far.

What do you do when you injure yourself?

Well, the old thought is to use the R.I.C.E. approach. This is rest, ice, compression  and elevation. I have always thought that this goes against the natural healing process of the body. The RICE approach makes inflammation look like the bad guy when really the inflammatory response is exactly what the body needs to heal properly. When using the RICE approach the immune system response is decreased, blood flow to the area is decreased, collagen formation is hindered, speed of recovery is lengthened, range of motion of the joint is decreased and the potential of complete healing is decreased. I don't know about you but I'm not interested in the RICE approach response.

So what should you do when you injure a joint and it becomes inflamed?

How about the M.E.A.T. approach? No, I do not mean to put a piece of meat on your injury. Here's what the MEAT approach stands for. Movement, exercise, analgesics and treatment. When using the MEAT approach the immune system response is increased, blood flow to the area is increased, collagen formation is encouraged, speed of recovery is shortened, range of motion of the joint is increased and the potential of complete healing is increased. Sign me up, this is supporting the natural process of the body rather than hindering. 

It is also important to recognize that blood flow and inflammation play a very positive role in your healing. Your blood allow nutrients to the area and increases removal of waste. The inflammation allows for natural immobilization, creates enough pain to slow you down a bit and allows for a proper immune system response for healing. Remember, inflammation is not a bad guy. The use of ice actually reduces blood flow and inflammation which you can see is a part of natural healing.

How about anti-inflammatory medicines and/or NSAIDS such as Mortin, Advil, aspirin, prednisone or cortisone? While these may provide some short term pain relief, long term along with the RICE approach, the long term effect of this pain relief may end up as an arthritic joint. Not the option I'm looking for. 

The use of analgesics such as bromelain, trypsin and papain aid in soft tissue healing by reducing the viscosity of extracellular fluid which is turn will increase nutrient and waste transport to and from the injured site, naturally reducing swelling and edema. 

Movement and gentle range of motion exercises actually improve blood flow to the area and as mentioned above, assist in removing debris. If the pain is too great for movement, isometric exercise can be used.

The treatment aspect may be physical therapy, massage, chiropractic care, ultra sound, myofascial release and/or electrical stimulation to stimulate blood flow and treatment healing.

I have also learned quite a bit about supplements to assist healing. 

When you talk about joint pain glucosamine and chondroitin are often the first two supplements you'll hear of. While there are definite benefits of both of these, I have found through my research that most of the brands on the market do not contain the full amounts mentioned on the bottle. So in essence, you may not be getting what you bargained for. With this in mind, I personally use the Chi Enterprise Joint Force. Joint Force contains Boswellia serrata, Glucosamine sulphate, Chrondroitin sulphate, MSM, vitamin C and Manganese. Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM are well-known for their effect in rebuilding joint cartilage in osteoarthritis. Boswellia is an herb with anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that in increases joint flexibility and reduces joint pain. Manganese is a mineral essential for the formation of connective tissue. Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen, which is needed for healthy bones and cartilage.

Another supplement that is in my regiment is liquid hyaluronic acid. This has been show to support synovial fluid, cartilage as well as healthy skin. Hyaluronic acid supports water retention in tissues and joints to maintain proper cell-to-cell communication, joint lubrication, nutrient delivery and toxin elimination. It also modulates prostaglandin production to support joint comfort.

There are of course other supplements that may be a benefit but I am a less is more person and like to see where my results are coming from rather than throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this.

There is also a treatment that I am definitely a candidate for the may actually assist many reading this article. That treatment is called Prolotherapy. I have known of Prolotherapy for some time but have never done the deep research on this. After looking at all of the research, talking to some associates that have used with with their patients and reading the book "Prolo Your Pain Away!" by Dr Hauser, if have to say that this is a potential promising therapy for those suffering from arthritis, back pain, scoliosis, migraines, neck pain, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, loose joints, RSD pain, TMJ, tendonitis, sciatica and/or herniated disks. Not everyone that has these issues is a candidate for Prolotherapy, but this is definitely worth a look. 

If you are suffering from any of the above challenges, I would at least recommend getting Dr Hauser's book listed above to get acquainted with Prolotherapy.

From my perspective, this is a perfect fit. One of the challenges that lead to my X-ray and recognition of joint degeneration was the fact that my LCL ligament in my knee was found to be non-existent. Now if this ligament is still intact yet stretched beyond the point of usefulness, Prolotherapy may be my answer. With Prolotherapy I would have anywhere from 1 but up to 6 injections in my ligament that would form scar tissue and potentially tighten this ligament and create a working environment again. This along with the intense rehabilitation of my gluteal muscles, hips as well as every muscle in my leg should provide me the ability to remain fully functional and vibrant for many, many decades to come.

My "bad" news is ending up as a gift for me and I hope this can lead you down the same path if you suffer from joint pain personally. Bad news can often be good news, it just depends on what we do with the news.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave this below and I will address this personally.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Uggg...What the Heck do I Eat?

by Glen Depke

No kidding! Clients entering my office often struggle with what to eat.

Think about it. Have you followed your best friend’s diet, only to find yourself constantly hungry, feeling fatigued and maybe even gaining a bit of weight? Are you sick and tired of sifting through the vast amounts of information on diet and nutrition and looking for what’s right for you? Do you find yourself struggling with the concept of a “one size fits all” diet plan? If you answered yes to any of these questions, obtaining my program to help you better understand your personal Nutritional ID is for you. 
So what is the best diet for you? Atkins, Ornish, South Beach, High Protein, High Carb, Vegetarianism, Mediterranean and the list goes on… 

It’s important to understand that we are all bio-chemically different and while one person may thrive on a particular diet; this same diet may be detrimental to another. This is tied into our genetics as well as any existing functional challenges. 

From a genetic factor it’s important to understand that it takes our bodies many generations to create a shift in nutritional needs. Many cultures have thrived with optimal health based on the foods that were locally available to them. A traditional Eskimo thrived in an extremely challenging climate with their main dietary intake being fat and protein. The Aborigines consumed much more vegetation, insects, kangaroo and wallaby yet enjoyed the strength and fitness of Olympic athletes. The Swiss consumed large amounts of high fat cheese, raw milk, small amounts of protein, whole rye and some wine yet survived very well even through glacier winters. The African Masai consumed raw milk, meat and blood from cattle yet enjoyed superb mental and physical development. While I am not necessarily recommending these particular diets, I am hopeful this will help you understand the importance of moving toward your true genetic needs. 

The functional factor ties into life’s situations such as stress, current health challenges, environment challenges and such. When challenged, your body may require a nutritional shift which needs to be addressed accordingly until you reach a state of balance. From there your body can naturally evolve to your true genetic nutritional needs. 

A common misconception is that we all should be eating a wide variety of food in moderation. Think about it…if you lived an area significantly North of the equator you would have never seen a grapefruit, orange, pineapple, kiwi or many other foods that we are told to consume on a regular basis and year round. This individual probably would have seen fruit such as apples, pears, and some berries but this would have also been seasonal with only a small opportunity for consumption. The same would be true for an individual that has a genetic heritage near the equator. This person would have thrived on tropical fruit, vegetation, low fat warm water fish and seafood and low fat meats. Put this person on a high fat, high protein diet and this could prove disastrous. Another common misconception, in my opinion, is that we need to eat many small meals per day. I can say from my years of nutritional work with thousands of clients that this simply is not true. If you are consuming the plan that is right for your Nutritional ID then you will more than likely enjoy high core energy physically, mentally, and emotionally on no more than three balanced meals. 

As our gift to you, Depke Wellness is offering you a complimentary assessment for your personalized Nutritional ID. Click on the button below to assess your own bio-chemical nutritional needs and begin your journey toward health and happiness. 

Nutritional ID Assessment

Hopefully this takes the "uggg" out of your nutritional choices.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave this below for us to address personally.

Low-Carb Lie: High-Protein Diet Damages Kidneys

by Jonny Bowden

Another criticism of low-carb (or high-protein) diets is based on the fact that higher levels of protein result in higher levels of calcium in the urine, leading some people to the erroneous conclusion that protein causes bone loss.

But a tremendous number of recent studies are showing something quite the opposite.

Want Strong Bones? Eat More Protein!

The Framingham Osteoporosis Study investigated protein consumption over a four year period among 615 elderly men and women with an average age of 75.

The amount of protein eaten daily ranged from a low of 14 grams a day to a high of 175 grams.

And guess what?
  • The people who consumed more protein had less bone loss!
  • Those who ate less protein had more bone loss, both at the femoral bone and at the spine.
  • The study also found that "higher intake of animal protein does not appear to affect the skeleton adversely."
The truth is that calcium gets absorbed better on a higher-protein diet, even if there is somewhat more urinary calcium excretion.
High-protein diets in two recent studies resulted in significantly more calcium absorption than the low-protein diets, which were associated with decreased absorption.

Interestingly, the actual "low-protein" diet that caused decreased calcium absorption in these studies had about the same amount of protein that the government recommends for adults!

The authors concluded that this fact...
"raises new questions about the optimal amount of dietary protein required for normal calcium metabolism and bone health in young women."
And a recent study in Obesity Research looked at a high-protein versus low-protein diets to determine whether the protein content of the diet impacted bone mineral density. It did.

Bone mineral loss was greater in the low-protein group.
In other words, without enough protein, you just aren't going to build (and preserve) strong bones, and the definition of "enough protein" may turn out to be a lot more than we previously thought.

The Verdict on Protein: Not Guilty

So, how did protein get this bad reputation for causing calcium loss and osteoporosis?

It partly stems from something in the body called the acid–base balance.
  • All foods eventually digest and present themselves to the kidneys as either acid or alkaline (base).
  • When there is too much acid, the body needs to buffer it, and calcium is one of the best buffering agents.
  • Meats—along with many other foods, especially grains— are known to be acid-producing;
  • Hence the deduction that high-protein diets would cause a leaching of calcium from the bone in order to alkalize the acid content.
But here's the thing: we now know that if you take in enough alkalizing nutrients, this doesn't happen. 

If you balance your high protein foods with calcium (and potassium),you will not lose calcium from your bones!
An interesting side note: You can take all the supplemental calcium you want, but if you don't get enough protein, it's not going to make much difference to your bone health.
The studies are very clear on this: Extra calcium is not enough to affect the skeleton when protein intake is low.
In short, it doesn't matter if there is a little more calcium in the urine as long as the body is holding on to more calcium than it's losing (i.e., is in "positive" calcium balance). And it will do that when there's plenty of protein plus calcium
(and other minerals) in the diet.

The Bottom Line

Higher protein intakes do not cause bone loss or osteoporosis, especially in the presence of adequate mineral intakes. In fact, lower protein intakes are associated with more bone loss.

"Why are low-carb diets essential for weight loss?"

This entire email is predicated on the fact that a low-carb diet is essential for weight loss.

If you aren't sold on this fact yet then you should watch this funny little video that reveals how the first low-carb diet was actually recorded back in the 1800s... 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Detox, Detox, Detox...

by Glen Depke

How many of you are familiar with this scenario? 

Near the onset of your work with a natural health practitioner, you complete either a hair or urine analysis to discover that you have heavy metal toxicity. With much concern, your health expert enters into a dissertation on the dangers of heavy metal toxicity, how this is the very reason for your health concerns and insists that you start to detox, detox, detox.

With much excitement, you enter into this detoxification protocol. The challenge though, is that only a short time into this, you feel worse than ever. Headaches, fatigue, aches and pains and so much more. You share this with your health expert, only for them to say, "it's detoxification symptoms and this is expected." should expect to feel like crap! Don't "buy" it.

There is an easier way and so much more to understand about detoxification. 

Today we will address the subjects below.
  • How to detox without symptoms
  • When to NOT detox mercury
  • The adrenal tie into detoxification
  • The use of fruits and veggies for detoxification
  • Supplement use for detoxification
First let's address detoxification without symptoms.

To address this properly, it is important to understand how your body moves through the detoxification process. Toxins are most often stored in the tissue of your body. This could be connective tissue, nervous system tissue of the preferred fat tissue. When toxins are moving out they move from the tissue, into your lymphatic system then to the blood. From the blood the toxins should be removed via the kidneys/bladder, liver/colon, lungs and skin. The problem occurs though when you are attempting to detox when you have a poor blood/brain barrier function. 

Understand that when your blood/brain barrier function is compromised, the toxins that should move from your blood to the kidneys/bladder, liver/colon, lungs and skin take another route. When this barrier function is week, the toxins will actually move into your brain and create a whole host of symptoms. As mentioned above, this may be headaches, fatigue, aches and pains or more.

So understand the when you are experiencing symptoms of detoxification you are likely dealing with a blood/brain barrier issue that needs to be addressed first. I use a simple test with clients in my office that I refer to as the GABA challenge to confirm a strong blood/brain barrier system. This is done by ingesting 1000mgs of GABA on an empty stomach. If you experience either a sedating or stimulating affect, this would tell us that the blood/brain barrier function is weak. If you feel nothing at all then you can feel confident in the integrity of your barrier function. 

*Do not use the GABA challenge if you have to drive or operate any potentially dangerous machinery. This is due to the fact that you may become sedated.

The next subject is when to NOT detoxify mercury.

This is a simple subject. Do NOT detoxify mercury while you have silver amalgam fillings in your mouth. This is due to the fact that you could actually pull mercury from your teeth into your body. I always suggest to my clients to have their silver amalgam fillings properly removed first before we enter into any type of aggressive detoxification protocol. 

The adrenal tie into detoxification. 

There are two simple factors of detoxification that tie into adrenal function. The first is to understand that here at Depke Wellness, we have reviewed over 4,000 adrenal test kits and have seen less that 1/10 of one percent actually come back normal, healthy and balanced. Second is the fact that your adrenal function plays a direct role in all of your systems of detoxification and elimination. If you are attempting to detoxify with poor adrenal function, you will not reach optimal results. Follow this link to test your adrenal function today.

The use of fruit and veggies in detoxification. 

It is very important to understand that the consumption of raw fruits and veggies are detoxifying foods. Very often the use of juicing of raw fruit and vegetables is recommended as a significant part of a detoxification protocol. While I do agree with this, I recommend fresh raw vegetable juice rather than fruit because of the high sugar content of fruit juice. This can actually create an imbalance in your digestive system and actually work against you. I also do not recommend a long term juice fast because this will often push detoxification too fast and lead to detox symptoms. Using your vegetable juicing along with your Nutritional ID meal plan will provide both a detoxifying as well as nutritive meal plan that will allow for optimal release of toxins.

Supplement use for detoxification.

The main supplement that I use in my practice for heavy metal detoxification is a product from Chi Enterprise called Metal Flush. This is a combination of Chinese herbs to enhance the body's ability to release heavy metals. I will most often recommend this in conjunction with a bath detox to assist release by your body. Click here to learn more about Metal Flush.

Another protocol that I have used often is a combination of a liquid garlic extract along with chlorella. I would use these together for at least 2 months and then add a cilantro extract to assist with pulling metals out of the brain. I do not add the cilantro at the beginning because you want to assist in clearing the tissue and the kidneys first. It is also helpful to add the bath detox with this protocol also.

I have used both of these protocols personally in my journey to escape mercury toxicity with great success.

Another protocol that I have introduced into my clinic is a system know as Detox 360, which is a dietary, supplemental and lifestyle approach to detoxification. If you would like to learn more about this click here for a complimentary webinar on Tuesday March 26th. By registering, you will also receive the replay of this event.

So in the end, make sure you do not "buy" into the thought that detoxification symptoms are normal. Understand that you should not introduce an aggressive mercury detox with silver amalgam fillings still in your mouth. And lastly, recognize the benefit of properly utilized vegetable juicing and supplements for detoxification. 

Don't forget to register for the complimentary Detox 360 webinar above.

If you would like to discuss detoxification with Depke Wellness, call us at (949)954-6226.

If you have a comment or question in regard to this article, feel free to post this below for us to address personally.

METAL FLUSH: Herbal Supplement to Assist Heavy Metal Toxicity

Exposure to heavy metals is impossible to escape from in this day and age. Exhaust from fumes, plastics, kitchen utensils, fish and even the air we breathe all contain heavy metal, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum and more.

Once accumulated, heavy metals can cause behavioral, mental and physical disorders. Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of heavy metals because of their delicate systems. It can cause learning disabilities, stunted growth, behavioral problems (restlesssness, short attention span) and impaired hearing. In adults, heavy metals can cause cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders (dizziness, tremors, inability to focus), and sexual dysfunction.

Removing heavy metals in a process called chelation is vital to everyone's health. Metal Flush is an all-herbal, oral chelating supplement with the following benefits:
  • It binds with lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic and many more heavy metals.
  • It safely removes heavy metals through two routes: the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. In this way, it puts much less burden on the kidneys than conventional chelation.
  • It does not strip away essential minerals so there is no need for mineral supplementation during or after chelation.
  • It has been shown recover liver function from damage caused by heavy metals.
  • It is safe for children 3 years and older.
Heavy metals can deposit in the bones, fat, muscles and tissues over time. With Metal Flush, heavy metals in the bloodstream are continually removed. Eventually, metals that have deposited in the bones and tissues are released into the bloodstream to create equilibrium. This makes the heavy metals more accessible to Metal Flush for chelation.

Call (949)954-6226 to order your Metal Flush today!

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Taboo Subject...

by Glen Depke

Let's get right into it today, I am talking about poop, bowel movements, feces, whatever you want to call it to be comfortable. You can even use one of the many slang forms of the word if that works for you. For reference today, we will call it poop.

So why am I talking about poop? 

Well, mostly because not too many people do and it is such an important subject. 

For years I used to ask my clients if they had healthy bowel movements and with regularity I heard, "oh yes, my poop is fine." Then for some reason one day, I started asking my clients to define what healthy poop is to them. Much to my surprise, or not, I found that what most thought of as healthy poop was actually anything but healthy. Often clients thought that one bowel movement per day was actually. Some that did not even have one bowel movement daily, still thought their poop was healthy. I would define one poop per day as constipation.

Instead of discussing all of what may be wrong with your poop, let's take some time to define healthy poop.

First off, I would share that you want your food to travel through your digestive system in 18 hours our less. This is important so the contents of your colon does not begin to putrefy and become toxic to you. This time frame is also important because your colon is designed to be a transport unit and not a storage unit. If you are pooping less than twice per day you are using the colon as a storage unit. This is a problem because your liver pulls toxins out of your body to dump in the colon for an expected quick release. This along with putrefied food residue can easily lead to not only a toxic colon but a toxic body.

So how does this make your body toxic?

This occurs because the walls of the colon are permeable and when you are storing in the colon rather that simply transporting, these toxins are not leaching through the colon walls, into the tissue around the colon and eventually in your bloodstream. From there these toxins will travel through the body with the hope of release again via the liver and colon. Not likely for so many though.

Let's look at this further. If you only have one poop per day, this means you are likely holding the residual of six meals in your gastrointestinal tract every day. Less than one poop per day and you can be holding the residual of 9, 12 or more meals at all times. Sounds disgusting, doesn't it? 

Often I have clients in the clinic that have that "pouch" in the lower part of their abdomen this is simply and impacted colon. Lose your poop, lose your pouch. It's often that simple.

Other important factors about your poop.
  • Movements should occur with ease
  • The odor should be mild at worst
  • There should be minimal clean up after
  • Your poop should be a light to medium brown color
  • They should sink slowly to the bottom
  • Your poop would preferably form and S-curve
  • About 1 inch or slightly more in diameter
As a special thank you to Dr Joseph Mercola and I would like to share a photo that will help you understand your poop goals. Your goal is numbers 3, 4 or 5, with type 4 preferred.

To read the entire article on visit this link.

If you are like most reading this article, you are now realizing that your poop is not healthy. If this is the case, here are some steps for you to take for optimal poop.
Squatting to Poop
  • Drink approximately one quart of purified water for every fifty pounds of body weight daily
  • Find a way to exercise daily. Move your body, move your colon.
  • Eliminate gluten or cross reactive foods
  • Release emotional suppression
  • Eat more fruit (especially apples) and veggies according to your Nutritional ID
  • Eat raw, naturally fermented foods or take a Depke Wellness Prebiotic/Probiotic Formula
  • When eating cooked foods always take your Depke Wellness Prime Digestive Support for the necessary enzymes for predigestion
  • When consuming flesh proteins use your Prime Stomach Acid Support
  • Avoid sugar and processed foods
  • Avoid antibiotics 
  • Get your feet up while pooping to put yourself into a natural squatting position (picture above right)
  • Visit your chiropractor to be sure there is not a functional/structural component that is hindering proper bowel movements
So there you go, a taboo subject, with a very high level of importance. Make sure you poop is healthy. Your health and happiness depends on it.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave this below for us to address personally.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Marraige of Yeast and Mercury

by Glen Depke

Whether I am using a tool such as Traditional Chinese Medicine tongue analysis or more conventional methods such as urine testing, it is relatively common for clients to have some level of mercury toxicity. Understand that another significant issue for many clients is a  chronic yeast challenge. But look at this a bit further and you'll understand that yeast can be an immune response to mercury poisoning. You see, yeast eats its weight in mercury and by doing so it binds the mercury from entering the blood stream. That's why this is so relevant. 

If you have too much mercury in your body you're going have too much yeast, plain and simple. So if you do have this problem you're not going to be able to get rid of the yeast until you get the mercury under control. 

Let's first understand where we are typically getting these high mercury levels:
  • Breathing airborne mercury vapors often due to the burning of coal
  • Eating food (usually fish or shellfish) contaminated with methylmercury 
  • Drinking water contaminated with mercury (a relatively rare cause of poisoning)
  • Release of mercury from dental work and medical treatments
  • Many dental fillings contain mercury
  • Vaccines containing thimerosal

So for those that have been exposed to mercury over their lifetime, you are likely not only dealing with the mercury but also a yeast overgrowth.

Symptoms of a yeast overgrowth are:
  • General Symptoms-fatigue, drowsiness, achy muscles, swollen or tender joints, weakness, tension, dizziness, loss of coordination, water retention, burning, tingling, numbness
  • Respiratory Symptoms-wheezing, cough, tightness or pain in the chest, shortness of breath
  • Skin Symptoms-rashes, itching, ringworm, psoriasis, athlete's foot, toenail or fingernail fungal infections
  • Nasal/Sinus Symptoms-headache, post-nasal drip, congestion, itching in the nose, burning or itching eyes, tearing eyes, ear pain, ear congestion, recurrent ear infections, sore throat, chronic sinus infections, visual changes
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms-diarrhea, constipation, bloating, belching, flatulence, bad breath, esophagitis, mucus in stools, food allergies, "spastic colon"
  • Psychological Symptoms-mental fogginess, difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, depression, anxiety, mood swings, irritability
  • Genitourinary Symptoms-genital irritation, itching, or burning, mucus-like or white discharge, pain during intercourse, menstrual cramps, burning during urination, urinary urgency, endometriosis, impotency, prostatitis
  • Other Symptoms-Craving for/intolerance of alcohol, craving for sugar and bread, sensitivity to tobacco smoke, perfumes, or other strong smells, worsening symptoms when in damp, muggy areas, mold allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia 
Why is this so important to recognize?

One of the main factors is due to the high number of individuals that are on anti-yeast programs. Of course I have nothing against getting rid of chronic yeast, but you want to also address the mercury issue. If you do not, this can lead to many other challenges with your health and wellness. 

If you are reducing the amount of yeast in your system and that yeast happens to be bound to mercury, where do you think the mercury goes? If you guessed your blood stream, that is right on. So what happens to the mercury from this point? If you have a strong blood/brain barrier this may not be much of an issue for you. If your blood/brain barrier is weak, this will allow the mercury to pass this barrier and enter your brain. From here the mercury (a known neurotoxin) can create a whole host of issues.

Toxic Effects of Excess Mercury

Cardiovascular System

Excessive ingestion of Mercury can cause Angina.


Mercury toxicity can be an underlying cause of Tinnitus. 

Excretory System

Mercury accumulates in and damages the Kidneys.
Immune System

Mercury weakens the Immune System by depressing Helper T-Cells.

Excessive exposure to Mercury causes Hodgkin's Disease (a form of Lymphatic Cancer).


Exposure to Mercury (or its vapors) can cause Fatigue. 

Mercury stimulates the production of Free Radicals. 

Mercury damages the Liver.

Musculoskeletal System

Mercury increases the risk of Arthritis.

Exposure to Mercury can cause Muscle Tension. 

Nervous System

Exposure to Mercury causes impairment in Abstract Reasoning ability. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Aggressiveness. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Anxiety. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Apathy. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause decreased Attention Span. 

Mercury concentrates in and damages the Brain:
Mercury damages the Blood-Brain Barrier.
Mercury concentrates in and damages the Cerebral Cortex.
Exposure to Mercury can cause impairment of Concentration. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Depression. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Drowsiness.

Mercury can cause Epilepsy.

Exposure to Mercury can cause Hallucinations. 

Exposure to Mercury (or its vapors) can cause Headache. 

Exposure to Mercury (or its vapors) can cause Insomnia. 

Exposure to Mercury can lower Intelligence. 

Exposure to Mercury (or its vapors) can cause Irritability. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause impairment of Learning ability. 

Exposure to Mercury (or its vapors) can cause Memory impairment. 

Mental Retardation can occur as a result of excessive exposure to Mercury. 

Exposure to Mercury is associated with poor (“bad”) Mood. 

Mercury can cause Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Nervousness. 

Mercury can cause Numbness. 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Speech Impairment (in the form of slurred Speech). 

Exposure to Mercury can cause Tremor. 

Respiratory System

Mercury concentrates in and damages the Lungs.

Sexual System - Females

Exposure to Mercury during Pregnancy increases the risk of Birth Defects.

In wrapping this up, I want you to understand that yeast and mercury challenges very often go hand in hand. If you want to address these in the most comfortable process possible, follow these steps below:
  • Focus on your fundamentals of health
  • Balance adrenal function
  • Strengthen the blood/brain barrier
  • Remove any continued mercury contamination such as silver fillings and high risk seafood consumption (please have the fillings safely removed by a quality holistic dentist)
  • Now address the yeast issue while supporting your systems of detoxification, all while assisting your body's removal of mercury
If you have any comments or questions in regard to this article, please leave this below for me to address personally.