First I would like to provide a heartfelt thank you to all of you that participated in The Adrenal Summit. Except for a few technical glitches that as been such a pleasant experience because of all you you. The out pouring of thanks and gratitude has been amazing and leaves me speechless, which is hard to do. LOL!
So to all of you, thank you for being so amazing!
We will now take this opportunity to address some lingering questions about the summit or areas that some of you feel were not addressed for your specific challenges. These are questions from you, our followers, that will not only assist those that proposed the questions but likely most everyone reading this today.
Here we go...
- The number one question that I received from everyone is, how do we get The Adrenal Summit now that this is complete? I am truly honored that so many of you asked this question. If you want your own copy of all these interviews to enjoy at your leisure go to this link provided.
- What were the Dr Daniel Kalish's "big five"? Dan's "big five" was fat, fatigued, depressed, digestive problems and female hormone issues. These are basically the areas that Dr Kalish most often recognizes when individuals have longer term adrenal challenges.
- I am very interested in Dr Osborne's view that foods could take up to 2
weeks to manifest symptoms, which means the presumed 'gold standard' of
a 4 day rotation diet for reintroducing foods and monitoring symptoms
may not be accurate. This is very true and as we learn more and more about food sensitivity, it is important to adjust our thinking with new information. Here is a response directly from ImmunoLabs: Potential 2 week delayed reaction for a food sensitivity:Length of time for a delayed reactions depend on the individual’s body. We have found that people notice their delayed symptoms within several minutes to a few days. Our physicians work more hands on with patients than we do and we have not heard exact time lines from the patients we work with other than they will feel relief in as quickly as a day to a few days to maybe a week. There are situations where someone feels worse before they feel better and then feel better within a month. As long as they continue to avoid their reactive foods, they will continue to benefit. After 90 days they can reintroduce the reactive foods one at a time to determine if it is still an issue. After all foods have been reintroduced and determined “okay” or not, we then recommend retesting every 6 months as their reactive foods will drop by about 50% from initial test to retest. After their retest we still recommend continuing to test and especially to expand their testing panel to ensure they do not have Candida, Gluten Intolerances, H. Pylori, IgE Allergies (immediate reactions), as well as further exploration into Milk and Egg if that was ever an issue.
- What are the main factors again that trigger adrenal fatigue? The main triggers are as listed below:
- The standard American diet (SAD), high in sugar and processed foods
- Food sensitivity such as gluten, cross reactivity or other food sensitivity
- Chronic stress or suppressed emotions
- Chronic inflammation
- Chronic infection
- I gave up gluten and I did not feel any different, does this mean it's not an issue? Actually 86% of people that have a gluten sensitivity are actually asymptomatic. I have had clients share in the past that they have been gluten free and they do not feel that this has created an improvement in their health. While many will actually notice an improvement, those that are not seeing this can understand that giving up gluten when gluten sensitive will actually play a role in slowing or stopping the progression of health symptoms.
He mentions 5 different tests for food reactions (IgG, IgA, IgM, T
cell , immune complex). I know Cyrex labs do IgG & IgA for cross
reactive foods etc, but where do we get the other 3 please? I am from
UK. The two companies that are best suited for these tests are ImmunoLabs and Cyrex Labs. Both companies are available in the UK and I would recommend stating with the Immuno Bloodprint 154 and the Cyrex Array #3. Here is an addition from ImmunoLabs directly: Several measures for food reactions (IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM, T Cells, Immune Complex):We primarily test for IgG (Bloodprint® tests) and IgE (environment, food, mold, etc. panels). We also test for IgA through some of our additional tests (ex: Anti-Gliadin test). We do not test for IgM, T Cell, nor immune complex due to the issues around precision of knowing you have pinpointed the true reactions versus false negatives and positives. There are companies that perform testing on food allergies and sensitivities through those immune pathways and we have several clients that stopped testing with them due to issues around getting the best patient outcomes. If you truly want to know the companies then I will provide their names, but since the results can be inaccurate and won’t lead to improving the patient’s health condition, I hesitate. Let me know if there is something specific other than just food allergies that the person was looking to find through those immune pathways.
- Based on Dr Bowden's interview, is is more important to focus on the adrenals or pancreas? Actually it is important to focus on both but thankfully what you do for one typically assist both. Here are some areas that will assist both adrenal and pancreas function:
- Reduce stress or learn tools to perceive stress in a healthier way
- Lower consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates
- Get to bed earlier
Please could someone direct me to reputable up to date resources about
protocols for elimination diets and reintroduction of foods (for those
foods just suspected to be a reaction developed secondary to intestinal
permeability , and not due to immune antibody response). In my opinion one of the best ways to reintroduce food is based on Lyn-Genet's The Plan. Both myself and my wife use her protocols personally and the results are amazing! It actually takes this to a whole other level. You can get this info at:
Click here to order your copy of The New York Times bestseller The Plan on Amazon!
- What should I do if I have a stage III adrenal insufficiency with burst training? If you have are in stage III adrenal insufficiency I would suggest starting slow with burst training. Perhaps 30 seconds of burst training followed by 60 seconds of casual movement would be a good start. From there you can work on increasing your burst training. If you are in stage III, please be sure to move forward with caution to not create further issues. As a side note, if you have low cortisol in the morning, it would be awesome to do 30 seconds of burst training in the morning within 10 minutes of waking.
- According to the interview with Glen Depke on chronic inflammation is it best to work on adrenal function or inflammation first? In the perfect world, we would address adrenal function just before inflammation. I also want to share that if you address inflammatory states, this will also assist with adrenal function since this is a major trigger for adrenal dysfunction.
- Did I hear it correctly from Linda Clark that as toxins go through a phase I to phase II liver detoxification are actually more toxic, and what does this mean? Yes, you are correct in what you heard. As toxins in your body are converted from a fat soluble toxin to a water soluble toxin, they are now more toxin than they were in the first place. This does not have a significance unless you are not having two or more bowel movements per day. If you are having one bowel movement or less per day
- I think of stress as emotional, yet Sue Ingebretson mentioned other forms of stress. Can you expand on this? Absolutely. While most people think of stress as mental/emotional only, there are actually many forms of stress that are potentially affecting us daily. This could be physical stress tied into inflammation, injury or illness. This could be chemical stress based on toxins in our environment, foods, water and even the toxic expression of negatively perceived emotions. So definitely look at stress from every level and address each and every level that is impacting your health and wellness.
- When listening to Dr Janda, it seems as if infection is a bigger issue than most would think and potentially difficult to recognize. What is the best way to test for infection? Based the interview with Dr Janda, the best way to test for infection in the body is via Applied Kiniseology or A/K. This is a form of muscle testing and there are other forms of muscle testing such as Autonomic Response Testing or ART. In my practice, I often recommend a comprehensive stool collection kit to test for gut infections and I find that the best way to address this is with both. This "best of both worlds" is often the key because muscle testing and stool testing can uncover different yet essential challenges.
- I would have never thought of what Manny described as "fighting gravity" as an issue for my health. Can you expand on this in any way? I did propose this question to Manny and he actually mentioned that he is going to write his newsletter article this week on this subject. Here is the link to Manny's article for you.
- I loved Lynda's talk on the thyroid but I am confused. I have been diagnosed and hypothyroid, I take thyroid medications but I still suffer with all the same symptoms. What gives? As Lynda mentioned in her interview, thyroid issues are most often not even a thyroid problem. Most often this is an adrenal, gut, liver and/or autoimmune issue. Lynda mentioned looking at the adrenals first and moving on from there until you have addressed all the underlying issues.
- Listening to the talk on obesity, it seems as if there is no hope when your weight is out of control. Did I miss something? Help! There is not only hope, but there are answers. I would suggest looking at adrenal function and cross reactive food sensitivities. This in itself can make create a huge shift in regard to weight loss. From there I would suggest looking at the chronic inflammation and the feed back loops that recycle these chronic inflammatory states.
- I have to share that I am in my forties and have never been to a chiropractor. After listening to Dr Fletcher, I feel as if I am missing out on something. Where do you feel chiropractic care fits in an overall wellness program? Actually when I have a new client in my office, I always recommend that they see a chiropractor if they are not already. Far too often individuals do not see a chiropractor unless they have an accident of some sort or noticeable back issues. Waiting for these situations is basically waiting too long to see a chiropractor. We have two chiropractors in our office and personally I have a chiropractic visit very 7 to 10 days.
If you have not grabbed your copy of the Adrenal Summit 2014, catch this here!
I am surprised at the suggestion to do any burst training in stage lll even stage ll adrenal fatigue. I've only heard to heal first, (brisk) walking an hour max daily, and then moving to burst training or even lifting.
ReplyDeleteThe past recommendations were exactly as you had mentioned, but it is now found that the burst training can be helpful in any level of adrenal insufficiency. Remember though the focus on starting this very slowly. I'll even go further to share that Burst Training within 10 minutes of waking for those with very low morning cortisol can be a major benefit. This helps raise the morning cortisol naturally, increases human growth hormone, assist with brain function and much more.
DeleteI was previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but my current (for how long?) doctor refused to do any further thyroid testing because my TSH levels were within normal limits.
ReplyDeleteShould I just address my gut/food intolerances and hope it all gets better and the inflammation is reduced?
Or is there a better place to start? I have been extreemly ill in the past although feeling much better in the last few months since changing diet because of numerous food intolerances.
So sorry to hear that more testing was not done. This is so often the case and this is quite sad. I would start with the food sensitivity testing and adrenal testing. This is always the starting point for Depke Wellness when hypothyroid is suspected. I would also recommend the book The Plan that is listed in this article. Lyn-Genet does some incredible work with thyroid function and nutrition.
DeleteForgot to let you know, if you need info on the testing you can call Depke Wellness at (949)954-6226.